15 gorgeous Greek girl names

 When it comes to baby names, Greek mythology can be a wonderful source of inspiration. Names like Aphrodite and Calliope instill your baby with strength, confidence, and tradition. But you don't have to look in Greek literature for name ideas in known deities and other mythological creatures. Indeed, there are numerous names in the Greek tradition that are more understated but still magnificent. Take a look at our suggestions below; one of them might be ideal for your little goddess.

    Anastasia This traditional name, which means "resurrection," is making a comeback. You could call her Natasha or Stacia instead of the more common Ana.

    Calista A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. It means… wait: “the most beautiful”. Appropriate, no?

     Delfina . If you're looking for a flower name but want something other than Rose or Violet, consider this one, inspired by the snowdrop-like flower, delphinium. The name means "of Delphi, Greece", an ancient city that the Greeks believed to be the womb of the earth.

     Evangeline The names Eve, Evelyn, Ava and the like are super trendy, but this one, while increasing in popularity, is still a bit more unique. It is a form of Evangelina, which means "bearer of good news." And, Eva would be the cutest nickname.

     Helena Helen, which means "light", is perhaps one of the best known Greek names. Adding an "-a" at the end makes it a bit more feminine.

     Ismena, do you think your new girl has an old soul? Consider this lovely name, which translates as "wise."

     Karisa Carissa's alternate spelling, which means "beloved." A lovely name for your beloved, with two possible pronunciations: "Karisa" with a short I sound or "Kareeesa," depending on your preference.

     Lotus. Another botanical name! Not surprisingly here, it means "lotus", which in Greek tradition is a small tree with sweet red fruit.

     Melba No, I don't eat toast! This is a soft and understated name that means "smooth and thin."

     Penelope Here's another classic name that recently jumped to the top of the major baby name charts, thanks to celebrities like Tina Fey and Kourtney Kardasian choosing it for their daughters. And it's no wonder it's so popular, it's really adorable. Call her Penny or Pippi for short.'

     Ophelia Attention Shakespeare fans! This charming character from Aldea may have had a tragic ending, but that shouldn't put you off taking it for your baby, it's a strong and beautiful name. Y means "helper."

     Stevi If you are looking for a unisex name for your baby, this might work for you. It is a more modern form of Stephanie, which means "crowned."

     Talia This elegant name actually has multiple origins, but in Greek tradition it means "to flourish."

     Voleta Violet appeals to you, but you are concerned that she is too well-known. Consider the following name, which means "veiled."

      Zina This name is simply impressive: bold, heroic, strong. It also has multiple origins, but in Greek tradition it is a form of Xenia, which means "hospitable." Learn the good things about your baby's due dateBaby Name Finder

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