15 beautiful Italian girl names

You want your dear girl to have a name as unique as her. Italian baby and baby names can, of course, be a nod to your Mediterranean roots. Even if you aren't Italian, a list of Italian baby names is worth considering if you want a feminine, romantic, and charming-sounding name. These are some of the most beautiful Italian girl names to inspire you:

       Francesca An Italian variation of the classic French name, French is increasing in popularity (in both the United States and Italy) and means "from France or free man." You can call her Frankie for short.

      Evelina Names that begin with the letters "Ev..." are popular right now, but this lovely variation stands out from the crowd.

      Carmella Soft and sweet, just like your baby! It means "garden". Just be prepared to hear more than a few Soprano references.

      Aida If you were a Parenthood fan, you know that Crosby and Jasmine took this name for their little daughter. It means "happy." What is happier than bringing a girl into the world?

      Lucia is the number one baby name in Spain, but in the US it is not that common. This dear name means "light."

      Gianna Meaning "the Lord is kind," this impressive name is John's Latin feminization (who knew?).

      Violetta This name means "purple." Shocked? We don't think of it that way. If you have your heart set on the name of a flower for your baby, this could be a beautiful twist.

     Concetta Adorable, right? This name means "pure". And it is likely that your daughter is the only "Concetta"; the name is not yet known in the United States.

     Amalia This is such a beautiful name… it's hard to believe it means “work”. If you like nicknames, Mia would be cute.

     Antonietta This unusual but striking name means "priceless" and is the female version of Antonio. It's a powerful name for a powerful little lady.

     Siena This gracious name has a lovely ring to it, perhaps because it conjures up images of the vibrant Tuscan town of the same name.

     Gioia Pronounced as "Jewel" and simply means "joy". It is a perfect name for your bundle of joy.

     Mariella Yes, names that end in "-ella" are astonishingly popular, but this one in particular is still quite unique. It means "desired for a child."

     Rosetta If you like Rose or Rosa but want to try something different, consider the Italian version, which means "splendid." Then you can call her Rosie for short, which is fantastic!

      Alessia This name means "defending warrior" and is a variant of Alexa or Alyssa. It's beautiful and unique, but not so unique that no one will be able to pronounce it. Discover the positive aspects of your baby's due date. Choosing a Baby Name

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