15 energetic Irish girl names

Have you been looking for a unique and magical name for your baby that is also timeless? Look through this list of adorable Irish baby names for girls to see if one of them catches your attention. Even if you don't have Irish ancestors, you might find the ideal name for your lucky charm.

    Arleena This is a variation of the name Arlene, which means "garment." You could call her Leena for short.

    Brea Short and sweet, this name is a good choice if you love the name Briana (which means "strong, virtuous and honorable") but want to tweak it a bit.

Ciara This beautiful name sounds light on the tongue.

    Darby What a sweet name for a sassy, free-spirited young lady. It means "freedom" (of course it does).

    Kelia Kelly is a classic Irish name, meaning 'brave warrior'. Why not choose something a little different for your brave little girl?

 Lavena A feminine name that happens to be French and Irish and means "joy."

     Maeve is also spelled Mavia. Seriously, how adorable are these? They both mean "joy" and "happy," making them ideal for your own bundle of joy.

     Moira You may like Mary, but you prefer something a little less common. So Moira, a form of Maria, which means "great," could be great for your little one.

     Orla Girl names that end in "-a" are very much in vogue right now, but it's a safe bet that your girl may be one of the few Orlas. It means "golden woman".

     Riona Pronounced like Fiona, this name means "saint." We hope he lives up to his name even as a teenager!

     Rory This is one of those names that sounds friendly and approachable. it means "famous brilliance" or rather "famous ruler."

     Shai This beautiful name is a form of Shea, which means "fairy palace". And what girl wouldn't want to be named after a fairy palace?

     Sinead This name is actually an Irish version of Jane, which is a Hebrew name that means "God is kind." A bold name for what will likely be a sassy little girl.

      Tierney This name could work for a girl or a boy; Either way, it radiates cold. It means "noble". Learn the good things about your baby's due dateBaby Name Finder

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