176 sweet text messages for him or her

 176 sweet text messages to her or him

Do you need some cute text message ideas to send to your loved ones? Then look no further;; you've come to the right place. We have a lot of cute text messages that will send exactly the message you want to send. We understand how difficult it can be to find the right words to express how one feels deep down, which is why we have compiled this carefully curated list of sweet text messages that will spark your interest.

Cute text messages to send to your girlfriend

1. Let me know what I did to deserve you ... I want to make sure I keep doing it!

2. Our life together is already amazing, and together it only gets better and better.

3. I would very much like to have your arms wrapped around me right now!

4. I wish you were here so we could clap and fall asleep together.

5. 'You fill my heart with love and my life with joy!'

6. You make me laugh when I do not even want to smile ...

7. Good morning (or night) honey!

8. Dreaming of you ...

9. Yesterday (or today) was amazing! Can't wait to see you again!

10. sweet dreams ... think of me ...

11. I absolutely love spending time with you!

12. Muah! (The simple, one word kiss)

13. XOXO (Hugs & Kisses)

14. I will keep you in my heart until I can hold you again in my arms...'

15. If it's wrong to love you, I will not be right ...

16. Just hearing your name makes me smile!

17. I can explain why I love you, but it will take forever.

18. You're the reason I breathe, but sometimes you take my breath ...

19. You rock my world!

20. I was afraid to approach you when I first saw you. I was afraid to hold you when I spoke to you. I was afraid to love you when I held you. I'm afraid of losing you now that I love you;

21. You are my backup.

22. Can I be your nothing if nothing lasts forever?

23. Please know that you have my heart.

24. The more I learn about you, the more I fall in love with you.

25. I believe I have fallen in love with you!

26. You're my Romeo, and I'm your Juliet!

27. You make my world go round!

28. Every moment I spend with you, the world works so perfectly ...

29. Ask me why I am so happy and I will give you a mirror

30. Even though I was far apart, I love you very much with all my heart.

31. I can not get you out of my head ...

32. I fall for you ... will you catch me ??

33. Hope you know you're in my mind right now!

34. I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

35. I hope when you read this it makes you think of me!

36. Read this message with the knowledge that the sender adores you!'

37. I wish you were here ...

38. Hi honey, can not wait to see you tonight!

39. When can I see you again?

40. Hey stud, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you!

41. Hope you have a good day honey!

42. Loving you is like breathing ... How do I stop?!?!

43. The most incredible feeling is knowing that I'm making you happy!

44. You're like a drug and I'm so addicted !!

45. You're weird ... but I like it!

46. I love you more than you will ever know ..,.'

47. Just when I thought love could never be a part of me, that was when you came along and showed me happiness!

48. I can not really find the words that explain the way I feel when I hear your voice or when I see your face ... all I can say is that I like the feeling.

49. You are the reason for my smiles!

50. It's not my fault I love you so much ... it's yours!

51. Your hand is my favorite thing to hold '...'

52. My love for you is an adventure. It begins with Forever and ends with Never. You are mine forever and ever...

53. I'm looking forward to the next time your lips touch mine...

54. If you ever imagine us kissing, know that it's because of all the kisses I've blown for you!

55. You make me feel like the luckiest lady on the planet!

56. You are constantly on my mind...

57. Even when we're doing mundane things, you make our time together so much fun! My favorite thing to do is to fall in love with you!

58. With each passing second, I get closer to meeting you tonight. I can't wait to kiss you and be in your arms.

59. I see your lovely face every time I close my eyes. And when I consider us, I can not help but feel satisfied. I'm so glad we have each other, for better or for worse.

60. True love comes from learning to see an imperfect person perfectly, not from finding the perfect person.

61. I'm not sure what life has in store for you. I'm not sure if wishes truly come true. I'm not sure what love is capable of. But one thing is certain. I adore you.

62. My eyes are sometimes envious of my heart. Do you understand why? Because you are always close to my heart and far away from my eyes.

63. You want to spend the rest of your life with someone as soon as possible after realizing you want to spend the rest of your life with them.

64. Before I met you, I had never known what it was like to look someone in the eyes and smile for no reason.

65. To demonstrate how much it hurts to miss you, I'm going to write "miss you" on a rock and throw it at you.

66. Good morning, sun. It is a new day. Except for one thing: my love for you, nothing has changed since yesterday.

67. I haven't seen you in a long time, but every time I do, I get those dreaded butterflies in my stomach. I'm falling more in love with you every day. That is something you must always remember.

68. Every day, I get out of bed with a smile on my face. "You're the reason for that smile.";

69. Knowing that you are a part of my life makes me feel safe and complete. I feel like tackling any obstacle that comes my way, as long as I have you, my support system. You give me tremendous courage to believe in myself.

70. Have you ever wondered what is in a message? Some remarks are so cliche. But the truth is that we all enjoy receiving messages from our loved ones. These love text messages to him will be your way of showing him your love.

71. Yesterday I loved you, tomorrow I think only of you. You know what ... I love you.

72. Can I be your nothing if nothing lasts forever?

73. Some say you only fall in love once in your life, but I disagree. 'I fall in love with you every time I see you.'

74. You probably sleep, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you. You are the reason for my joy and truly one of the most beautiful people I have ever had or will meet in a long time. Good night. Sleep well.

Sweet flirty text messages

75. Never injure your feet ???? ... you wonder about my thoughts all day long ...

76. Girls are like internet domain names: the ones I want are all taken.,

77. Lovely, sweet, intelligent, spontaneous, lovely, lovely friends, charming, funny, good... Enough of me! So, how about you?

78. Have you ever drilled the butterflies in your stomach? No, I have not!

79. Hello, my name is thief, and I'm here to steal your heart!

80. In 30 minutes I'm leaving. Want to be here to take part in the fun?

81. You look good today. How did I know that? Because you look good every day.

82. When it gets dark, look up at the sky. If you see a falling star, don't be surprised if all you want is a wish. Believe me, it will come true because I did it and found you.

83. I don't think much, and I don't think frequently, but when I do, I think of you.

84. I'm on a mission to get over you, in other words impossible mission.

85. I may be running out of messages sending you a text. I might be out of jokes. I may be running out of battery too, but my heart is not running out of space!

86. I just want to be upfront and say I visually enjoy you.

87. You look good today. How do I know? Because you look good every day.

88. Oh, I like this, so what happens next?

89. I like your style, your class, and, most importantly, your ass!

90. I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to them in your eyes!

91. I love the spring morning, the afternoon in the fall, the winter evenings and the summer evenings ... but you love more!

92. If a big fat man crawls into your bedroom one night and fills you with a bag, do not roll, because I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas!

93. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put together U and I.

94. If I die and go to heaven, I will put your name on a golden star. So all angels can see how much you mean to me !! I love you

95. If Love was a movie, you would be an upcoming attraction.

96. If love could be taxed, I'd be the highest payer.

97. If someone asks me if you're good ... I do not say, no ... if they say you're better ... I do not say why should I see, you say well or better, if you is the best I've ever had ...

98. So if I'm right, you spoke to me first and sent me text first. Does that mean you're chasing me? I like it!

99. I'm going to bed right now. Do you want to continue sending text, or do you want to switch it up ... I'm not tired.

100. I think we should just be friends with benefits ... you liked it.

101. Hi, I'm conducting a poll... What is your given name? What is your contact information?

102. Do not listen to your mind. Always listen to your heart!

103. Love is… looking at whether he sees and when he does, certainly not looking back !!

104. Do you have a coin? I would like to call your parents to thank them.

105. I will bind your arms behind your back and make you scream.

106. I send you to an island full of kisses on a sea of love!

107. I can not think of a good opening sentence, so we just want to say goodbye ???

108. I do not think much, I do not think often, but when I think, I think of you

109. I know, milk, it's a body, but DAMN, how much have you drunk?

110. I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to them in your eyes!

111. You can fall from a mountain or a tree, but the best way to fall in love with me is to simply fall in love with me.

112. If flowers were dreams that would last forever, I would send you the most beautiful.

113. Be wise, be smart, and keep me in your heart for the rest of your life.

Good morning text messages are adorable.

114. Your smile is all the motivation I need. Your voice is the only source of motivation I require. Your love is the only source of happiness I require. Hello and good morning.

115. It only takes a second to think of you in the morning, but the smile on my face lasts all day. Good morning.

116. I hate waking up because it takes me away from all the dreams I had about you last night. Good morning.

117. I'm sick of dreaming about you every night; I want you by my side so I can gaze at your lovely face. I'm sick of waking up every morning texting you; instead, I'd like to spend my mornings cuddling with you. Good morning, I miss you.

118. Every bad situation has something positive ... Even a clock that has been stopped is correct twice a day. So have faith and meet the day. Good morning!

119. I awoke one day with the impression that something was missing. So I got out of bed, grabbed my phone, and texted a good morning. Hello and good morning!

120. Smile! Because you just received a text message from someone who is interested. Good morning!

121. One of the joys of life wakes up every day with the thought that somewhere someone is interested enough to send you a warm morning greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day!

122. I do not care if we should be or not, but I know I love you very much. Good morning.

123. There's a reason I text you before I open the curtains in my room - because you're my sunshine. Good morning, baby.

124. You make me feel things that words can never express every day. Hello and good morning.

125. Good morning to the icing on my life's cake. xoxo

126. Happiness, problems, success, disappointment, or failure - I don't know what the day has in store for me, but I know that as long as I have you in my arms, everything will be fine. Hello and good morning.

127. I don't know how long we'll be together because it doesn't matter. What I do know, and what is most important, is that we will never be apart. Hello and good morning.

128. The cold morning breeze reminds me of you - a tingling sensation on my skin that fills me with joy from within. Hello and good morning.

129. Every night, I dream about what it would be like to hug you during the day, and every day, I imagine what it would be like to dream about you at night. Hello and good morning.

130. When we think about problems, they double in size; when we laugh at them, they burst into bubbles. Good morning and goodbye to your worries!

131. Train your mouth and heart so you can say the right way for the right reasons. Good morning and have a good day!

132. Release what kills you. And stick to what keeps you up. Good morning!

133. Anyone can kill a dragon, but try to wake up every morning and love the world again. That's what a real hero needs. God bless and good morning!

134. My morning coffee is incomplete without texting you, just as a beautiful morning is incomplete without its orange hue. Hello and good morning.

135. If you were the sea, I would be the beach, so wherever you go, you would always return to me every day. Good morning.

136. According to the weather forecast, a storm is heading our way. I'm looking forward to standing in the rain with you, then sipping coffee while we gaze out the window and fantasize about our future together. Hello and good morning.

137. I will never harm you. I will never mislead you. I will always be available to you. I'll remember you for the rest of my life. I will never let you cry. Even after we're gone, we'll be together. I absolutely adore you... Good morning and hello.

138. During the night, you are the twinkle in my life's sky, and during the day, you are the sunshine that keeps me going. Hello and good morning. xoxo

139. Every morning, I am reminded of the most important truth in my life: my love for you. Hello and good morning.

140. A new day brings a new blessing. Do not let yesterday's failures detract from the beauty of today, because each day holds its own promise of love, joy, forgiveness... Hello and good morning!

141. Every morning is like paintings: You need a little inspiration to get started, the contour of a smile on your face and a message from someone interested in coloring your day. Good morning.

142. Get out of bed and blink those Teeny Weeny eyes. Stretch those Inzy Winzy Bones, put on that Jolly winning smile, and tell yourself it's a beautiful day... Hello and good morning!

143. A smile opens a heart faster than a key opens a door. Then, with your smiles, illuminate the world. Hello and good morning!

144. God gives us dreams at night so that we can fulfill them during the day. Good morning and have a productive day.

145. You are the pulse in my veins, the antidote that alleviates all of my pain. You are the rhythm of my heart, and without you, my life would be incomplete. Good morning and hello.

146. There is only one remedy for cold delivery mornings - warm, cuddly hugs with you. Good morning.

147. The beautiful morning DY and the lovely morning HUE are symbols of my love for YOU. Good morning.

Long sweet text messages

149. Without you, the parties do not feel the same. Without you, I have no identity or name. I would rather stop living than live without you, there is a promise in your eyes that you love me too. No matter what obstacles or problems lie ahead of us together, we get through it and spread love instead.

150. Love means to smile when you are awake, Love is to give more than you take. It means living for the sake of your lover. To always stand by them regardless of the effort.

151. Your love is magical; it has left me spellbound, I just go crazy when you're around. I feel wanted and I am never lonely, just knowing that your love belongs to me. You are the answer to my prayers from above,
Together we live dreams of endless love.

152. With every wave that falls off the shore, My love for you grows more. I just need you more and more.
I feel like I met you a thousand years ago, You're an inseparable part of my life, If you leave me, it would kill me like a stab.

153. You are sweet, kind and gentle, You are innocent like an angel. You are a priceless gem that I have found, My face shines when you are near. You have filled the emptiness and made me whole, You have truly become an eternal part of my soul.

154. I hope I will always be with you, Every day the magic of your love will be anew. You are a lasting treasure, You fill my heart with immense pleasure. I no longer have to wonder; no longer need to roam,
Coz in you I have found a permanent shelter where I feel at home.

155. Though my alarm wakes me in the morning, The one I wake up to is you. Though food fill my stomach, and water quenches my thirst, He who fills me is you. And yet, when life is so good for me and words I utter so few, The only words my heart wants to convey are: I really love you!

156. Is there anything in this world that I want to hide from you? In dark times I will smile for you. For you my heart beats and my feeling is pure. Just ask once, then I could die for you!

157. The times have not been great, but together we came so far. Throughout the darkest night you have been my brightest star. Your love has made me blind, and you alone I see. In this barren life in me you are the most fragrant flower!

158. Love is to fight and then correct, Your lover's fault for ignoring does not complain. Trust and truth go hand in hand, For those who carry the wedding band.

159. Love requires a lot of love and care, All joys and problems are always shared. When there is no room for compromise, Love absolutely demands sacrifice.

160. Love is what I felt when our eyes met, It's a day I can never forget. Slowly and steadily you took your breath away, Now in my heart you will stay forever!

161. An example of love, if I were to give, Like Lord Jesus, no other human being has ever lived. Died on the cross to save humanity, May never be repeated in all of humanity.

162. Music is not melodic or groovy, Beautiful images lose their beauty. Is it just me, or do you feel it too?
Nothing seems to hold my attention without YOU!

163. Do not worry about my love, we will make it through, Huge times will go by as long as I have you.
Although things may seem hard and circumstances harder, I have your heart and I will love you forever.

164. Every time we embrace, My heartbeat begins to run. I love being close to you, When I'm in your arms the whole world feels new. I love it when your lips meet mine, It's an inexplicable feeling; it is divine. It's a crazy feeling, but it's true, I just want to be with you.

165. I need your love every day, To be my guiding light along the way. I can not find out my life without you,
If you leave me, my world will be blue. I want you with me, because you stole my heart, And now from you I can never stay apart.

166. Yes, we fight and cry sometimes too. Yes, we disagree and it hurts a lot ... it's true. But stay strong, my love, you are my angel from above. I always have and will always love and keep an eye on you!

167. Words feel so inadequate to describe my heart feel. You have overpowered my mind, just as an assassin steals. I feel helpless sometimes; my words feel so few, All I want from now to ever is to stay and love YOU!

168. My beloved to me, you belong, You are the lyrics to my love song, You have added meaning to my existence, Can not imagine living without you for an example. I love you immensely, so please be with me,
In the warmth of your embrace is where I want to be.

love sms, romantic sms, romance sms, romance messages
Lovely romantic couple sms

169. I feel safe against all problems when we embrace. You alone are my passion, my desire, To spend my life with you is the dream I hope, If I had a desire, it would be to make you mine, And the rest of my life you will experience your divine love .

170. Every day I think of you Because you make my life worth living. You are gracious, loving words that are true, I think of it with a sweet smile.

171. You have brought me warmth and serenity through the coldest day. I can not understand life if you would stay far from me. Life is not a bed of roses, but you have brought me love untold. We will stand by each other no matter what & watch our love unfold.

172. If I could write about you, the world would not be able to contain so many books. If I could continue to dream about you, there would not be enough sleepy nights. If I could start talking about you, there would not be enough words. So all I want to tell you is a simple, unpretentious, pure "I love you"

173. My love for you is as deep as the sea, With you I want to be forever. You have calmed my heart and made me whole, You are a precious pearl with a beautiful soul. I thank you for helping me love again, And I promise you our love will never end

174. It is not something that can be measured, Love is a message that is read. Open your heart and close your eyes. And let my smile flow through your mind

175. I have waited so many years to find true love, Something gentle and pure as a dove, And baby, when I looked into your eyes. I just felt like I had been lifted to paradise, I knew you are the one from the beginning,
And that's why my love I give you my heart. 

text messages, original text, romantic lovers, original love messages.
Original romantic messages

176. As happy as a child feels to see a rainbow, As enchanting as it is to see fireflies glow, As happy as it is to play in the snow, Is the feeling I get by the love for me you show. Your love is captivating, and you should know that I, in turn, love you even more.

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