15 Chinese girl names

If there is one thing these Chinese baby names have in common, it is this: each and every name has a truly wonderful meaning, be it a flower, plant, celestial body, or just a charming character trait that you might expect. your baby have. Many parents choose a name because they love the sound or how it blends with their last name. For others, however, selecting one with a special meaning or association is the top priority, in which case, these names will undoubtedly inspire you.

    Bao Pronounced as "bow" (rhymes with how), this is a unisex name that is more commonly given a little more often to girls. It means "treasure."

Bo. It is pronounced as Bao in the Chinese tradition. It means "precious."

     Chynna This name is beautiful, particularly with such an unconventional spelling. It means "fine china."

      Hua Do you have a spring baby? This name, pronounced "h-waa" and meaning "flower," could fit the bill perfectly.

     Jun. It sounds like the English name June, but the Chinese version is a unisex name. It means "truthful, obedient."

Leeward. One of the most popular names on the list. In Chinese it means "plum".

      Lian If you like common sounding names with unique spellings, this name, pronounced exactly like Lianne, might just work. It means "the graceful willow".

      Pout. Very close to Lynn but still a little different. It means "dainty and dainty," which are often adjectives used to describe newborn candy.

      Mei A good alternative if you like May or Mae but want something a little more unique. It is short for Meiying, which means "beautiful flower."

      Mingmei Pronounced "ming-mii", this name means "bright and beautiful girl." There is nothing more perfect than that, right?

      Nuwa Pronounced “new-waa”. Your little girl would have a truly unique name with a charming and inspiring meaning: "mother goddess."

Sying A lovely, melodic name pronounced "sing". It means "star".

     Tao Another name that rhymes with "how". In Chinese tradition, it means "peach", of course, for your little peach.

      Yang A sunny girl needs a happy name, and this popular one, which means "sun," might be right for her.

      Yenay Pronounced "yee-nae", this is a particularly unique and surprising name. It means "the one who loves." Learn the good things about your baby's due dateBaby Name Finder

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