15 beautiful French baby girl names

For those who might assume that the French tradition doesn't offer much variety when it comes to baby names for girls, this list will prove that there are many options beyond those ending in “-ette” or “-ella”. In fact, as you will see, some French names, in addition to being beautiful, are quite diverse and unique. If you're looking to give your little one a feminine name that's classy, ​​sophisticated, and just plain gorgeous, consider the ones here. (You will also see a couple of names “-ette” and “-ella”, just because they are so beautiful!)

     Amelie This name is very popular, thanks to the movie of the same name, but that does not make it any less charming. It is a form of the German name Amelia, which means "worker."

     Corto, Bette Candy. Feminine, but not necessarily feminine. What more could you want? It is an abbreviation for Betty, which means "consecrated to God" in Hebrew.

     Persecution. If you're looking for a cool unisex name, this could be your ticket. It means "hunter".

     Esme so endearing, right? It is a familiar form of Esmeralda (the name that Eve Mendes and Ryan Gosling chose for their daughter!), Which means "emerald."

     Genovieve Consider this elegant name, which is a form of Geneva, which means "white wave," if you are a fan of the Arthurian legend, and honestly, even if you are not. Is it taking too long? Gena, Genie, Jenny, Eve, and Vivi are just a few examples of cute nicknames.

Janina This is a form of Jane (Hebrew for "God is kind") but a little more elegant.

     Juliet This is such a beautiful name, why aren't there more Juliets in the world? Obviously it is a form of Julia, which means "youthful" in the Latin tradition. Can you imagine calling your little Jules to dinner?

      Lizette Lisa (in Hebrew, meaning "consecrated to God") is a solid and timeless name, and one of its most unique forms. Also, Lizzie as a nickname would be too cute.

     Monique This name exudes style and sophistication. It is a form of Monica, which comes from the Greek and Latin traditions and means "lonely" and "adviser", respectively.

     Noella Ella and Elle, and their various forms, are more popular than ever; This name is just as beautiful but a little more unique. It is a form of Noelle (also beautiful), which means "Christmas".

    Ruby This name is obviously a form of Ruby, which means gemstone. And since Ruby is gaining popularity, why not give your precious gem a slightly different name?

    Serene. This beautiful name is a form of Serena, which is Latin for, as you guessed it, "peaceful."

Sheree This charming and cheerful name means "beloved" or "dear."

    Sorrel. Yes, it's a kind of green salad, but don't discount Sorrel just yet. It is also a unique and beautiful name that comes off the tongue. It means "reddish brown or botanical."

     Violet If you can't get enough flower names, consider this one, which is a form of violet. Isn't Vi the cutest nickname? Learn the good things about your baby's due dateBaby Name Finder

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